Mittwoch, 1. August 2018

It feels a little bit like daily life

This evening we knew each other for one week. A Strange feeling in every way. Not just This Mixtur betreten knowing and not knowing, but also to know what deep topics we already discussed without and with knowing each other.
But we gained some
Experience in the topics of our daily life- or on what our daily life will ne for the next weeks. We started different kinds of helping other people in completely different ways. For example:

  • Helping in the 2nd Hand store
  • Gardening in the community gardens
  • Playing with a wild little refugee girl
  • Teaching her mother the german language
  • Talking and spending time together with a family from Syria
  • And probably lots of more stuff to try…

Exept working we strarted in this afternoon to see the place we're living and visited the next city. One of our hosts works in the cathedral and knows a lot about the citys history and we took a long and interesting walk.


What will be tomorrow? We will see!

(Now I'll start my daily hunt after mosquitos!)

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